Which type of Christmas tree do YOU have?
Decorating a Christmas tree is one of my favorite things to do during the holiday season. Rummaging through old ornaments and all the memories that come with them brings my family closer together each year. Though many families may partake in this classic holiday tradition, each of these beloved trees is different. Whether you put a star or an angel on the top, or you use white or colored lights–each tree reflects that universal feeling of home.
In celebration of these symbols of unique memories and holiday spirit, here is a list of different types of decorated Christmas trees that may be featured in your own homes this season!
The “Classic” Tree
Pretty and simple, usually follows a strict color scheme. This lovely tree is for those who may take their decorating very seriously.

The “Don’t Even Think About Touching Me” Tree
Also for the highest tier of decorators, this tree is NOT meant to be in the presence of rowdy kids (or clumsy adults!) Glass ornaments placed very methodically to capture the elegance of the home.

The “Pretty Snowfall” Tree
So blindingly white it’s hard to look away. This unique, attention-grabbing tree will be sure to earn you some compliments from visitors.

The “Kindergarten Threw Up on Me” Tree
My personal favorite (this is what my family tree looks like), may look messy and disorganized from far away, but an absolute delight to see up close. All the years of art projects and class photos will definitely inspire some smiles and laughs.

The “Memory Lane” Tree
Similar to the Kindergarten Tree, this tree is decorated with less art projects but more of those “milestone” ornaments that you, or other people order. From wedding anniversaries to baby’s first Christmas, we’re here to celebrate it all.

The “Travelers” Tree
For the adventurer, who is sure to have raided dozens of gift shops for that souvenir. These trees map out the journeys of those well-traveled.

The “Ornaments Galore” Tree
This crowded, yet fun-filled tree may leave your guests wondering if there is even a tree there at all. Covering your tree from top to bottom in ornaments may be hard work, but the final product is definitely impressive.

The “Lights Only” Tree
Simple, but still reflects that holiday spirit we all look for. May be for those who have curious young children or energetic dogs!

The “Decorated by Kids Only” Tree
It may look half decorated, but an A+ for effort! Kudos to those who display this tree proudly.

The “Perfectly Pleasant” Tree
We’ve all seen a tree like this before. A tree that perfectly encapsulates the holiday season, with just the right amount of lights, ornaments, and ribbon.

No matter what tree you have in your home, COMPASS wishes you and your families a happy holiday season, filled with warmth and love.