Why have your child consistently engaged in active movement social activities?
Studies show that keeping the body active promotes mental clarity by increasing blood flow to the brain, making activity vital to both learning and physical and neurological health. Regular exercise can also help with mental health and clarity by increasing dopamine production (Abdelbary, 2017). Which your child is at their best potential to intake stimulation, they are also at their most balanced and focused state of mind; they are ready to be social. Even more, being a part of a supportive group of peers builds confidence and self-esteem. When your friends are cheering you on and giving you compliments, there are limited self-esteem boosting opportunities with as much power and effect on a child's psyche.
What are the effects of exercise on cognitive development?
Research reveals that the very same regions in the brain that are responsible for movement are the regions that are involved in higher level thinking. This sug
gests that there is a link between giving a child plenty of play involving whole body movement and balancing activities, and his ability to perform higher level thinking such as problem-solving, creating and designing, anticipating outcomes, curbing impulses, and delaying gratification (Sarah K Major February 04, 2016). With the right structure and curriculum for exercise, a child can nourish the brain with exercise and the effects can compensate for developmental pacing.
How does it work?
For this amazing system to work, it is necessary for all areas of the brain to be actively communicating with each other. There is a direct connection between free movement (rolling, scooting, crawling, walking, spinning, hopping, skipping, running, etc.) and the development in the frontal cortex which is the location of higher order thinking. The stimulation from these types of movements is critical to brain processing. In contrast, a lack of this free movement will negatively impact activity in the frontal lobe.
With the right amount of support and structured systems in place, feeding a child’s body and mind with active movement through play will enhance their ability to function at a higher level. This will positively affect their ability to learn, communicate, and emotionally regulate.
The Results?
Exercise should be an important component to every child’s daily routine. The possibilities are endless and relatively undefined. But what we do know is that the effects are infinite and likely to be positive.
Call us today to find out how your child can benefit from our unique learning opportunities.